OMDI Prime provides the OccuPational Health Industry with a complete Occupational Health Software Solution. With OMDI Prime you only have to capture the patient/employee information once. OMDI Prime integrates directly with the testing devices, capturing test results into a common database.
The OMDI Audio module is used to track audiometric testing and results through direct interface with the Audiometer. Multiple Audiometers can run simultaneously.
The OMDI Spiro module is used to efficiently track and record the lung function test trough direct interface with the spirometer.
The VisionPlus module is used to efficiently track and record the vision test trough direct interface with the vision screener.
The OMDI Admin Module enables you to GO completely Paperless.
Customizable Questionnaires & Reports.
- Generate Certificate of Fitness and Annexure 3
- Easy Backup of your Data
- Customized Branding for Medical Certificates with anti-fraud verification
- Network and Cloud compatible for busy Occupational Health Clinics
- Add Patient’s / Employee’s photo on Medical Certificate
- List patients tested per day
- Import your data from other brands of Audio Software into OMDI Prime
- Occupational Health Equipment for Professionals
Compatible Products With
OMDI Prime Occupational Health Software
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